Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An Open Letter to Newt Gingrich

You said on Fox News that there is a "gay and secular fascism in this country that wants to impose its will on the rest of us, is prepared to use violence...no matter what the law of the land."

First thing first. Will some people be violent? Sure. It happens. Most of us don't condone it and see it as antithetical to any cause. I'm sure I could go on about violent sects of the religious right, but a pissing match isn't my point.

As for gay and secular 'fascists'...well...come on! I'll only speak for myself here, but I don't believe in political and social Darwinism, a rejection of capitalist principles, or creation of a single party state. Individualism and the divergent ideas we have in this country can contribute to a great and balanced society. What we all need to realize is that it is through this individualism that we can come to pretty amazing, cooperative outcomes for our economic and social woes. I realize what you're doing is largely political posturing to drum up the conservative base; but if radical conservatives would just try, truly try, to work with the government we have for at least (and hopefully more than) the next four years, they could actually take some of the credit when things go well. The country has spoken and the leadership they currently desire differs greatly from what you embody. While your viewpoint is welcomed, your pejorative commentary is not.

And Newt - if you don't want our will imposed on you, stop trying to impose yours on us. Your idea of marriage comes from...religion? Historical "norms?" Your belief is that marriage is a sacred (read religious) institution between a man and a woman. Then how about we take away any rights the government has given to you because you are, in fact, married (twice divorced, might I add). If marriage is this purely religious establishment, it should have no government recognition - No additional rights bestowed upon married persons in a non-religious state. So while the government arguably has no place in the marriage business, there they are. As a fair and progressive nation, let's give that social equality to EVERYBODY, not just those with YOUR fascist viewpoint. If you and yours want to keep marriage a sacred institution between a man and a woman - Rock on! Fantastic! I won't go to your church to get married to my gay lover. But don't tell me I can't go to my welcoming community and express the love I share with the one person with whom I want to share my life.

Ultimately, nobody's trying to push anything on you. We all fully expect that you will continue to lead your narrow-minded life, cavorting with your narrow-minded friends and colleagues, spreading your narrow-minded hate, in your narrow-minded community. Fine. Live there. Do that. I don't have to like it. But don't you DARE tell me how to lead MY life, express feelings to MY friends and lovers, and interact in a respectful way with those in MY community.

Take a look at your own words and actions, Mr. Former Speaker. The law of the land is equality, liberty and justice. Perhaps, sir, you should learn to embrace and practice those ideals of which you speak BEFORE you speak of them.

Peace out

(Note: this post was originally published 4/19/09 on my Facebook page)

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