Monday, May 25, 2009

Finally - the levity I mentioned so long ago...

And how appropriate that it's in regards to not posting in a timely manner!  I lifted this from a blog called Daily Dose of Funny.  But this is from the last post they made which was back in ', not so daily, but perfect for a last, long ago post.

Top 10 excuses for not updating your blog: 

Hi loyal readers! I know I haven’t updated in a long time. I’m sorry, but…

10 … Since I had the facial reconstruction surgery I can actually get laid.

9… Really, isn’t quality more important then quantity?

8… It turns out my boss actually wants me to do some work in exchange for the money he gives me weekly.

7… I thought I had updated the blog, but it turns out I was high and only THOUGHT I did.

6… I was waiting for the Republicans to regroup.

5… I was having more fun beating my head against a wall covered in nails.

4… I was trying to break the record for longest masturbation session; it’s hard to type and “love yourself” at the same time.

3… I was kidnapped by terrorists while in Afghanistan. Luckily I was able to build an armor out of scraps of metal and old electronic components and used it to escape. Still couldn’t get the damn phone browser to work though.

2… I did update! But some Chinese hackers broke into the site and erased the posts. Then some Filipino hackers broke into my home computer and deleted the drafts I had saved. And then someone's dog ate my printouts.

1 … I forgot the password to the blog.

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